Module 2 English Welcome to your Module 2 English What is meant by the flash point? That temperature at which a gas turns into a liquid. That temperature at which a substance ignites (spontaneously). That temperature at which a fire can get out of hand. That temperature at which the fire is hottest. Geen What should you do if someone has nitric acid all over their pants and leg? Take off immediately all contaminated clothing (if possible), rinse skin with water / shower, bring MSDS and take to hospital for observation. Drink lots of milk to remove toxins from the body, grab MSDS and go to hospital for observation. Do not remove clothing (!) And go to hospital for observation. First to the hospital with MSDS and there they put you in the shower. Geen What do we mean with 'CMR substances'? Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure Carcinogenic , mutagenic and reprotoxic substances Classification according to environmental hazards Chronic toxicity substances Geen What would be meant by specific target organ toxicity in the GHS classes? Lowest category of poisoning The corrosive effect on the skin or by inhalation. The carcinogenicity of a particular substance. Poisoning of a specific target organ. Geen Time's up